Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Everyday I'm shufflin', shufflin', shufflin'

I love LMAO's Party Rock Anthem. I want to learn how to dance like the youngsters do in the video. It looks like a lot of fun!

Still working my way back to ... me. Every little change in medication kicks me in the butt, knocks me down to the ground, and I'm out. Literally, out cold. Just increasing the propanolol for the tremors knocked me out silly such that I slept the entire next day with the exception of contacting my office so they knew I wasn't dead, drinking water, going to the lavoratory and, finally, around 6:30 PM, having some breakfast, fruit and nuts -- and more water. Didn't take the new dosage of Propanolol last night -- feel normal today. (sigh) Guess I'll just have to deal with the tremors. Actually, everyone else will have to deal with the tremors. They may look a little funny but unless they interfere with my knitting or sculpting or spinning or weaving -- I'm good.

I weigh more now than I ever have in my life. It's uncomfortable, clumsy and pretty difficult to dress up. I'm afraid I won't be able to be the size I wanted to be for my daughter's wedding and she may be a little disappointed but dems da breaks. My neurologist pointed out that I probably wouldn't lose weight because of the hypothyroidism. I pointed out that I would then just have to make sure that the weight I do have is a more healthy weight from good whole foods and exercise. And, I love a challenge. Just tell me that I can't do something...go ahead, try it! ;)

April 1 will be my fourth year anniversary of breast cancer. Wow. What a "four years" it has been.

Lost body parts, hormones. Gained weight. Made the highest salary of my life and brought home a little over half of it due to lost days of work.

Have the best employer -- ever. They've stood by me through this whole thing.

I'm a darn good knitter and thinking of going for the Master Knitter accreditation. I spin. I weave. I needle felt (and I'd never even heard of that a couple of years ago.

So, the last four years? Definitely coming out on the plus side.

But I still miss you, Mom.